2022 State of Health: The Domino Effect

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Nearly two years since COVID-19 first erupted in the United States, the true magnitude of its influence on the health of Americans is becoming much clearer—and much more troubling. The devastating and deadly virus has unleashed a domino effect of crises that, if left unmanaged, will continue to erode population health and increase healthcare spending for years to come.

These crises include a significant increase in care deferrals that have, and will continue to, lead to later stage diagnoses of previously undetected diseases and exacerbated chronic health conditions. They also include skyrocketing rates of substance use and behavioral health issues, declining rates of proactive wellness activity, and persistent problems related to healthcare access and inequities.

This second annual State of Health Report, released by predictive healthcare analytics company Prealize Health, identifies the top health conditions and utilization spikes that healthcare leaders must act on in 2022. The report presents the predictive findings and explores the top contributing factors, along with practical commentary from industry leaders.

Key takeaways include:

  • The conditions most at risk of increased utilization in 2022
  • How three key drivers will exacerbate these conditions: delayed care, behavioral health, and wellness decline
  • How plans can advance health equity in 2022

Featured industry experts:

  • Colt Courtright, Chief Data Officer and VP, Corporate Data & Analytics, Premera Blue Cross
  • Chris DeRienzo, MD, Senior Vice President and System Chief Medical and Quality Officer for WakeMed Health & Hospitals
  • Kristin Gasteazoro, Senior Vice President at SapphireDigital 
  • Alan Glaseroff, MD, Adjunct Professor and Cofounder of Stanford Coordinated Care
  • Linda Hand, Prealize Health CEO
  • Rishi Manchanda, MD, President and CEO of Health Begins
  • Julie Murchinson, Partner, Transformation Capital, former CEO of Health Evolution, and National Committee for Quality Assurance board member
  • Gordon Norman, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Prealize Health
  • Ryan Panchadsaram, Advisor to the Chairman of Kleiner Perkins, former Deputy Chief Technology Officer of the United States 
  • Ronald A. Paulus, MD, President and CEO at RAPMD Strategic Advisors, LLC, and a faculty member at the Stanford Clinical Excellence Research Center
  • Lee Sacks, MD, Retired Chief Medical Officer of Advocate Aurora Health
  • Nigam Shah, MBBS, PHD, Associate Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, Medical Director of Research Informatics at Stanford Health Care, and co-founder of Prealize Health
  • Mark Smith, MD, Professor, Clinical Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, and Co-chair of the Health Evolution Forum Roundtable on Community Health and Advancing Health Equity
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